Sunday, November 28, 2010

mesti ramai org yang suke kan muzik kan?tp,muzik tu  ape sbnanye??ntahla...aku ada gak pi tanye kawan2 pemuzik aku dan inilah antara jawapan2 diorang...

  -music is everything in my life(after God,family,dearest one,frens n etc.).. music gives lives n kills. music warms our soul, giving peace to a burdened heart, reviving a quenched spirit, breathing in a new air of hope in one's life. music is a language, of soft meaning, talking things unheard, picturing things unseen, sounds meaningless to the prudent but brings great lesson to those who understand. music is a medium in which people bring their stories, happiness, sadness, pride, love, hatred. music can tell u everything, can tell u nothing..

aku pun x paham sangat...tapi memang btol can tell us everything, can tell us nothing..

kalau la korang pat brik pendapat korang...huu

bagi aku,muzik ni pun kira satu bahasa gak..muzik pun menyatukan gak,kan??
kalo korang bukak jawapannye..


• noun 
1. the art of combining vocal or instrumental sounds in a pleasing way. 
2. the sound so produced.
3. the written or printed signs representing such sound.

luas betol muzik ni ek??

fes time wat blog nih...plik tol rasenye...kompom kawan aku gelak punye...
sbab aku pun rase nak gelak same....hahahahahahahahahaha=D

okla...sini je kot...esok try gi..haha...

ingat nih..pesan sensei aku..hak3...

~put all your heart and soul into the music, feel the music...


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